Title: Performance of two advanced promising breeding lines, AHS and DAH, in farmers’ fields in Mazandaran province
Author: Ali Moumeni
Breeding of rice cultivars with Iranian rice genetics background would provide an opportunity in improving all of the traits of interest in this set of cultivars, which have high adaptability to the environment along with good public acceptability. Hence, through making several cross combinations among Iranian local and improved cultivars, followed by the development of breeding populations and selection of superior lines, we have selected two advanced promising lines (APL) of rice i.e. AHS, from a cross between Ahlami-Tarom and Sepidroud, and DAH, originated from Dasht and Ahlami-Tarom. The two APLs were tested at various farmers’ fields, each at an area of 500 m2 along with a popular rice cultivar, i.e. Hashemi, in three districts of Amol, Babol, and Freidonkenar. Field practices were followed according to the field technical management. According to the data collected from the farmers’ fields, both APLs showed desirable performances compared to the local popular cultivar. AHS showed very good performance in terms of grain yield with an average of 7.5 ± 0.5 t/ha, days from transplanting to the harvesting of 78 ± 5 days, plant height of 115 cm, resistance to blast disease with a score of 0-1, tolerant to rice stem-borer with a score of 0-1, good cooking quality with an amylose content of 23 ± 1 and the average level of gel temperature (GT), good ratooning ability and potentially showed good ability to grow two successive croppings in a year. The average grain yield of the check variety i.e. Hashemi was 4636 Kg/ha. The second APL, i.e. DAH, showed a medium plant height of 133, medium duration of maturity of 85 ± 4 from transplanting, with an average grain yield of 9.0 t/ha, which could be grown in areas with one rice cropping per season with a longer growing season.
Keywords: Promising lines, lodging, blast disease, cooking quality, rice
Contact: alimoumeni@yahoo.com