Title: Evaluation of new rice line RI18430-1(SA1) in the farmers’ fields of Guilan Province
Author: Maryam Hosseini chaleshtori
Abstract: New rice cultivar (RI18430-1) and local rice variety Hashemi were planted at the fields of leading farmers in four sites, including Some-Sara, Anzali, Masal (Shanderman), and Rasht (Pasikhan) in Guilan province. Evaluation of the important agronomic characteristics in the two rice cultivars at these four sites showed that the new rice cultivar had the highest grain yield (6.5 t/ha) in Rasht (Pasikhan) and the lowest grain yield (5 t/ha) in Anzali (Chehar Farizeh). In Rasht and Masal, the grain yield of the Hashemi cultivar was alike and equal to 4.3 t/ha, which was less than that of the new rice cultivar. In Some- Sara county, the grain yield of the new rice line was 5.115 t/ha which was higher than Hashemi’s grain yield (4.1 t/ha). In Masal county, the grain yield of the new rice cultivar was higher than Hashemi’s grain yield as much as 0.84 t/ha. The results showed that the grain yield of the new cultivar (5.439 ± 0.71) was higher than Hashemi (4.1 ± 0.283) in all of the sites in Giulan province. The plant height of the new rice cultivar was 33-35 cm shorter than Hashemi in all locations, which the lowest and highest differences were related to Masal (Shanderman) and Rasht (Pasikhan) counties, respectively. In the new rice cultivar, the number of panicles per plant was between 18-20 on average and this trait for Hashemi was between 12-13 panicles. The two rice cultivars showed huge differences based on the grain number per panicles so the new rice cultivar was better than Hashemi regarding the grain number per panicles in all sites. The growth duration from seeding to complete ripening stage for the new rice line was 103-112 days and for Hashemi was 118-129 days. All farmers in the four sites had a consensus that the new rice cultivar is considered as an early maturity cultivar compared to Hashemi and They know this trait along with resistance to lodging are one of the outstanding characteristics in this cultivar. Meanwhile, the new cultivar remains soft after cooking and has the same aroma and flavor as local cultivars. Almost all farmers and experts associated with this study have been consented to this cultivar to be introduced as a new rice cultivar in Giulan province.
Keywords: Rice, Research-Extension, Early maturity, Grain yield
Contact: mhkhossieni@gmail.com