Title: Preliminary evaluation of yield and agronomic traits of selected rice lines
Author: Alireza Nabipour
Abstract: Production and evaluation of pure lines for finding promising lines which could be released as new cultivars is an important step in rice breeding programs. In this experiment, 14 lines selected from the 2016 observational trial along with Shiroodi as check cultivar were planted in normal paddy field conditions under a randomized complete block design with 3 replications in Amol. These lines were also planted in observational plots with single planting lines in Sari (under drought), Savadkooh (a colder environment), and Fereydounkenar (under salinity). Measurements were made on plant height, days to flowering, yield, number of tillers, number of grains, grain weight, and percentage of filled florets. Based on yield and other characteristics and also the acceptability of plant architecture, 7 lines were selected to be further studied in a multi-location yield test experiment.
Keywords: Rice variety, Pedigree method, Selection, Yield test
Contact: Ali_reza_54@yahoo.com