The RRII’s Triticale Research Farm Is Visited by the CEO and Production Manager of Pegah Agro-Industry Company
The Pegah Agro-Industry Company (AIC) has the leading role in the dairy products market and it is ranked first in market share and amount of milk produced, and also considered the increase in market gains as its top-priority strategy, according to Pegah website.
Since last year, with the mission of solving national agricultural industries problems, the RRII with the leading role in the second crops subject on the rice-based cropping system has started to collaborate with Pegah AIC to enter research achievements to promote, enhance and provide a big portion of Pegah required fodder in its farms and also improve the farms’ productivity.
Dr. Hossieni, Director General of RRII stated that triticale is a multi-purpose crop that can be grazed during the vegetative stages of development and subsequently harvested for grain. It can also be cut for silage. When harvested for grain, triticale offers an alternate animal feed source and also has a growing potential in the human food market.
Technology transfer is the only sustainable solution at the national level cooperation which has vital importance on the way of creating modern agroindustry sectors. To how the triticale is effective on livestock feeding particularly on dairy production through right harvesting time (with respect to rice as the first crop), Dr. Koshki and Eng. Raoofi the CEO and production manager of Pegah agro-industry Company (Guilan branch) visited the triticale research farm on the rice-based cropping system Base on Tuesday, 13 Apr. 2021. Dr. Hossieni briefly explained the triticale growth stages, harvesting time, and methods. They also discussed how can close the quality and quantity of triticale for livestock feeding.
The growth stages, cultivation processes, and how can decrease the production cost of triticale were explained by the head of the technical and research services department and paddy field mechanization expert of RRII for the visitors. He also emphasized the best methods of triticale cultivation in north of Iran paddy fields.
The missions of RRII are technology transfer and on-farm support of private sectors in order to enhance the quality and quantity of rice and rice-based second crops such as triticale and their related industries, Dr. Hossieni said. She also pointed out that these strong collaborations between the RRII and Pegah AIC could open a new permanent window to providing sufficient and sustainable fodder to meet the livestock requirements in dairy industries and also increase the paddy fields’ economy.
The CEO of Pegah AIC, Dr. Koshki said: We are ready and eager to collaborate with the rice research institute of Iran for effective implementation of our future action plan to produce a high-quality second crop in paddy fields by focusing on development conditions.
Dr. Hossieni: In the year of production, support, and elimination of obstacles, I wish by using the latest achievements of RRII staff and other localized technologies on rice and second crops at rice-based cropping systems of Guilan paddy fields enhance both farmer and agro-industries incomes.
By emphasizing continuous relationships, the rice seedling nursery, agronomy, and breeding projects were visited by Dr. Koshki and his team.