Title: Development of new rice populations and cultivars with good morphological and qualitative characters
Author: Mehrzad Allahgholipour
Abstract: In this study, eight parental rice cultivars namely Dilmani, Tarommohali, RI1843046 (Saleh × Hashemi), Line 23 (IR75479-199-3-3), IR50, RI184421 (Sepidroud × Hassasaraiei), RI184472 (Sepidroud × Gharib) and Gilaneh {(Saleh × Abjiboji) × Abjiboji} along with their offspring (56 items F1) obtained from the Complete Diallel Cross were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the research farm of the Rice Research Institute in 2013. In 2014, after the necessary evaluations, 19 breeding populations were selected from all populations and were evaluated as the second generation. Other breeding populations were removed. All of the 19 breeding populations were selected using the bulk breeding method and kept for the next year (2015) as the third generation (F3). In 2015, 9 breeding populations were selected using the bulk breeding method and selected from the remaining ten populations using the pedigree breeding method. In this study, in 2016, out of nineteen breeding populations, 10 populations were removed due to undesirable plants and from the remaining 9 ones, selected plants (single panicle) as the fourth generation (F4) using the pedigree breeding method based on dwarf characteristics, early maturity, plant appearance and without awn were selected. In 2017, breeding populations with codes RI292-53, RI292-60, RI292-62, and RI292-63 were removed due to lack of suitable lines and only selecting suitable lines to purify them from breeding populations with codes RI29250, RI29251, RI29252, RI29, and RI29255. As in the RI292-50 breeding population, the number of selected lines from 50 lines to 8 lines, from 50 lines in the RI29251 population to 41 lines, in the RI29252 breeding population from 50 lines to 5 lines, in the RI29254 population from 50 lines to 8 lines and from the population of RI29255 reached 13 pure lines in 2020. In total, out of all remaining breeding populations, 75 pure lines from early to middle, dwarf, and with a variety from no awn to short but similar to Gilaneh cultivar were obtained. For example, from the breeding population of RI29251 resulting from the crossing (RI1843046 × Gilaneh) two lines 3 and 35, and from the breeding population of RI29254 resulting from the crossing (Gilaneh × Daylamani) two lines 7 and 8 and from the breeding population RI29255 resulting from the crossing (Daylamani × Gilaneh) Six lines 1, 6, 7, 10, 12 and 13 were selected. All of these selected lines were without awn and exactly similar to the Gilaneh cultivar.
Keywords: Rice, dwarfism, segregation generations, early maturity, grain yield, grain quality
Contact: mehrzadallahgholipour@yahoo.com