Title: Study on the effectiveness of sex pheromone of striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis Wlk. into mass trapping
Author: Farzad Majidi-Shilsar
Abstract: Due to the adverse effects and adverse conditions that chemical poisons have on humans, animals, the environment, etc., as well as due to the secrecy of larval life inside rice stem borers and the high cost of chemical poisons, research on sexual pheromones for mass hunting. In this study, domestically produced sex pheromone with a concentration of 2 mg was used. In this study, 5 treatments including 1- Sex pheromone treatment with 1 trap per hectare, 2- Sex pheromone treatment with 3 traps per hectare, 3- Sex pheromone treatment with 5 traps per hectare, 4- Sex pheromone treatment with 7 traps per hectare and 5-Check treatment (granulation spraying) was performed in the field of Rice research institute of Iran, Rasht. The results of the present study showed that the concentration of 2 mg of the active ingredient of sex pheromone was 5 to 7 traps per hectare in terms of dead hearts, whiteheads, the number of counted larvae and yield were not significantly different at the probability level of 0.01. The results of one and three trap treatments per hectare with the mentioned indices had the highest number of dead hearts, whiteheads, number of counted larvae, and the lowest yield. Also, the present study showed that one of the advantages of optimal hunting of SSB moths is the possibility of easy production and low cost compared to chemical insecticides. However, in addition to threatening the ecosystem and natural enemies, chemical control is not economically viable in the rice crop ecosystem. Therefore, the possibility of controlling the pest with sex pheromone promises a promising prospect of the use of these compounds within an integrated management program for rice SSB.
Keywords: Rice, Chilo suppressalis, Pheromones, Chemical Control.
Contact: majidi14@yahoo.com