Title: Evaluation of new rice line (RI18430-12) in farmer’s field of Guilan Province
Author : Mehrzad Allahgholipour
New rice cultivar (RI18430-12) including Hashemi as a local rice variety were planted in fields of progressive farmers in five sites including Rasht, Somehsara, Talesh, Roudsar, and Astane in Guilan province. Evaluation of the important agronomy characteristics for two rice cultivars in five different sites showed that the new rice cultivar had a high grain yield (5.81 t/ha) in Somehsara and low grain yield (4.8 t/ha) in Astane. In Astane and Talesh, the grain yield of Hashemi cultivar was the same and equal to 3.8 t/ha, which was less efficient than the new rice cultivar. In Roudsar county, the grain yield of the new rice line was 5.2 t /ha which was higher than Hashemi’s grain yield (3.95 t/ha). In Rasht county, the grain yield of the new improved rice cultivar was 4.97 t/ha. The results showed that the grain yield of the new line (5.257 ± 0.183) was higher than Hashemi (3.980 ± 0.132) in all of the sites in Giulan province. In addition, a new line with grain yield of 4.80-5.81 tons per hectare, 100-grain weight of 2.2-2.4 grams, number of filled grains of 125-135, plant height of 95-102 cm, and amylose content of 20-21%, to being superior to its parents, it is considered as one of the early (101-104 days) and dwarf cultivars and has the same cooking quality as local rice Iranian cultivars. This new line is very similar to the local Iranian cultivar in terms of structure and morphology and has short and golden awns. The germination of the mentioned seed line in the nursery, like other local cultivars, has a high speed and after seeding, it is well established in the main field. Comparison of different agronomic characteristics as well as objective and field observations indicate that the new line RI18430-21 is similar to the local Hashemi cultivar and only differs significantly from the cultivar in terms of plant height and ripening time. Cooking new white rice and consuming it showed that it has very good cooking and eating quality. In addition, the new line is soft after cooking and has the same aroma as local cultivars.
Keywords: Rice, Research-Extension, Early Maturity, Grain Yield
Contact: mehrzadallahgholipour@yahoo.com