Title: Fertilizer recommendation for Guilaneh rice variety
Author: Masoud Kavoosi
Guilaneh cultivar was cultivated in four farms of Sumeh Sara, Lahijan, and Rudsar cities from leading farmers. In each farm, two treatments were applied, including fertilizer application according to the method recommended by the Rice Research Institute and fertilizer application according to the farmer’s custom. The results showed that the effect of treatment on grain yield, plant height, number of tillers, and weight of 100 grains was significant, but was not significant in the case of during the growth period, but the effect of test sites on all the mentioned traits was significant. The grain yield in all experimental sites Using the fertilizer recommendation of the Rice Research Institute was significantly higher than the fertilizer method of farmers. The highest yield was obtained from fertilizer recommendation treatment in Sumeh Sara city (4734 kg of paddy per hectare) and Lahijan 1 and Lahijan 2 and then Rudsar were in the next categories, respectively. The lowest yield belonged to Rudsar city with cultivation according to farmer custom (3100 kg of paddy per hectare). The highest number of tillers (16 tillers per plant) was allocated to both farms in Lahijan city and the lowest number of tillers was observed in fertilizer by farmer custom (13.75 tillers per plant) in Rudsar city. The results show that the fertilizer recommendations of the National Rice Research Institute for Gilan cultivar can be promoted and developed in Gilan paddy fields.
Keywords: Rice, Research-Extension, Guilaneh cultivar, Grain Yield
Contact: masoud_kavoosi2@yahoo.com