
RRII has an opportunity to make a profound difference over the next few critical decades based on our differentiating capacities at the intersection of research and development. First and foremost, RRII is the fantastic genetic resources and population, and breeding germplasm holder that fuels varietal research and extension across national rice growing area.
RRII is a trusted source of rice knowledge for the country’s rice industry. Facing global challenges, we need continuous access to new varieties and their growing requirement packages to maintain the rice sectors.
Also, RRII, as a responsible center of rice research and innovation will continuously focus on pure and applied researches to fulfill the current needs of farmers. RRII will deploy a powerful array of tools to maximize the resource-use efficiency of rice-based farms and reduce rice’s ecological footprints.
Finally, to open a new window to the strong partnership, RRII understands without new partners, it could make little local impacts. Partners are crucial in disseminating improved varieties, new technologies and new tools; and in addressing sector- and agriculture-wide concerns such as trade. The CWA rice countries will be our new partnership window.
