Title: The efficiency of some new pesticides in the control of Rice Striped Stem Borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker) in field conditions
Author: Mahdi Jalaeian
Abstract: Rice, Oryza sativa Linnaeus, (Poales: Poaceae) is one of the principal staple grain crops in the world and it is a key source of employment and income. The rice striped stem borer (Chilo suppressalis Walker) is the most destructive and widespread pest of the rice ecosystem in the world and northern areas of Iran that decreases yield losses. In Iran and most areas of the world, chemical control is still an important method for controlling C. suppressalis. The present field experiment was conducted to determine the efficiency of 6 insecticides viz., Diazinon 10%G (Bazodin) 15kg/ha; Fipronil 0.2%G (Regent) 20kg/ha; Chlorantraniliprole 0.4%G (Ferterra) 12.5 kg/ha; Thiomethoxam 25%WG (Actara) 0.2 kg/ha; Flubendiamide 20%WG (Takumi) 0.9 kg/ha; Dinotefuran 20%SG (Sparkle) 0.75 kg/ha against C. suppressalis in randomized complete block design with three replications during 2018 and 2019 in experimental farm of Iranian Rice Research Institute in Rasht. Chlorantraniliprole had the lowest dead heart and white head percent and the higher efficiency against rice striped stem borer followed by flubendiamide and dinotefuran. Our results suggested that chlorantraniliprole, flubendiamide, and dinotefuran can be used as replacements for diazinon, in paddy fields. Furthermore, a new equation has been proposed for calculating the efficiency of insecticides based on the C. suppressalis damage percent.
Keywords: Diazinon, Fipronil, Fipronil, Thiamethoxam, Flubendiamide, Dinotefuran
Contact: mahdi_jalaeian@yahoo.com