Title: Study on some agronomic and qualitative traits of rice varieties of Central West Asia in comparison yield trail
Author: Alireza Tarang
Abstract: Rice is the staple food of half the world’s population and one of the most important crops in Central and West Asia. In order to compare the yield and evaluate some important agronomic and quality traits of rice, this study was carried out with 52 cultivars sent from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, and Uzbekistan along with 7 cultivars from Iran in the Rice Research Institute of Iran (Rasht). The studied genotypes were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the research farm of Rice Research Institute of Iran in 2019. The results showed that there was high diversity in all studied traits. The lowest yield was related to BT7 (Iraq) cultivar with 2.21 tons per hectare and the highest belonged to Mishkab2 (Iraq) cultivar with 7.38 tons per hectare. Also, the lowest plant height belonged to the QazNIIR-7 cultivar (Kazakhstan) with 79 cm and the highest plant height belonged to the Avanqard cultivar (Uzbekistan) with 150.67 cm. Marjan cultivar (Kazakhstan) was also the earliest in maturity cultivar among the studied genotypes (100 days). Pasali, Mishkab2, and A16 cultivars are introduced for use in more advanced breeding programs due to their high yield (6.04, 7.38, and 6.31 tons per hectare, respectively) and quality characteristics similar to local cultivars.
Keywords: Rice, International Varieties, Grain Yield
Contact: A_tarang@hotmail.com