The virtual meeting with rice growing province research centers about the mega-project of “quantitative and qualitative improvement of the productivity of rice production”
The virtual meeting with rice growing province research centers about the mega-project of “quantitative and qualitative improvement of the productivity of rice production productivity” was held this week (Monday, Jan. 23, 2023) with the agricultural and natural resources research and education center of Charmahal and Bakhtiyari. Associate professor Dr. Hosseini, director general of the rice research institute of Iran, and her deputies and related academic members, Dr. Jahanbazi, head of the agricultural and natural resources research and education center, and his deputies and related academic members in the rice growing area have participated in this virtual meeting.
At the begging of the meeting, Dr. Hossieni briefly explained the main content and objectives of the rice mega-project of “quantitative and qualitative improvement of the productivity of rice production” and the rice cultivation model, and also the existing capacities in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinces, including a long history of cultivation and enumerated rice research, the presence of valuable germplasm of valuable genetic resources and diverse and favorable climatic conditions for rice research and cultivation. In continuation, she officially invited the mentioned centers’ academic members to join research cooperation. Then Dr. Jahanbazi also spoke about the conditions of rice cultivation, research activities, challenges, and capacities in the province and announced his readiness to implement joint research projects.
Finally, it was agreed to launch a pilot evaluation and screening of cold resistance genotypes, carry out joint economic and social projects about rice cultivation, and collect rice genetic resources.