Title: Preliminary yield trial and agronomic traits of salt-tolerant rice lines in saline soils of Mazandaran
Author: Behrooz Arabzadeh
In this study, eight selected salt tolerant rice genotypes from IRRI together with two elite high-yielding rice varieties as check including Shirodi and fajr were evaluated in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications in salt-affected paddy fields in Joybar, Mazandaran province. The agronomic traits include grain yield (kg/ha), days to 50% flowering, plant height (cm), number of tillers per hill, 1000-grain weight(gr), and salinity tolerance code (1-9). Results of analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among all genotypes for important agronomic traits. Based on the mean comparison of measured traits, two rice genotypes including IR77674-3B-8-2-2-8-2-AJY10 with 4480 kg/ha and IR 77674-3B-8-2-2-14-1-AJY5 with 4432 kg/ha obtained the highest average grain yield, showed better performance in salinity conditions with salinity tolerance code of 3 in Joybar, Mazandaran. Between the two check varieties, the performance of Shirodi with 3927 kg/ha average grain yield and salinity tolerance code of 4 is also notable. Therefore, these three rice genotypes (IR77674-3B-8-2-2-8-2-AJY10, IR 77674-3B-8-2-2-14-1-AJY5, and Shirodi) could be used for further tests in salt-affected areas and incorporated with sensitive local rice varieties for development of salinity tolerant in rice breeding program.
Keywords: Ric, Salinity tolerance, Grain yield, Agronomic traits
Contact: Beh_arabzadeh@yahoo.com